Science | Evolution

Charles Darwin Copulated With An Ape To Reproduce And Prove The Homo Erectus

 July 30, 1860

News in a flash—Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, took his theory to greater lengths by having sex with an ape. His theory of evolution suggests that we were Homo erectus, an archaic species of half-human and half-ape, half-way towards evolution before the Homo sapiens that we are today. Darwin theorized that if Homo sapiens were to mate with an Australopithecus afarensis, a species that resembled the closest to today's ape, their offspring would be a Homo erectus. Darwin successfully had sex with a 12-year old sexually mature ape, but wasn't able to impregnate the poor primate. This was because the copulation had been fully consummated before he discovered that the ape was a male one.


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