Mar 25, 2018
Social Media Behemoth, Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, are once again under fire after sentimental Facebook users cried foul over Facebook selling their data to outside buyers. Facebook users were aghast to learn that the data they have freely given and entrusted to their favorite social media have mostly been sold for profit. In Facebook's defense, CEO and Founder, Mark Zuckerberg have stated that they have only sold them because they have no more use and they wanted others to benefit from them rather than leave them lying around. "We kinda know that this is a sensitive situation, and this is exactly why we wanted to keep this a secret, because we know people would go sentimental and be offended if they found out," Zuckerberg said. "Their data have really served us well for a good period of time and we really enjoyed keeping it; in fact, we never had any problems with it," Zuckerberg in trying to console the public. "It's just that we have acquired new data and will no longer need the old one. We have briefly considered keeping both the old and the new one, but naturally, we realized that keeping both would need bigger space and will cost more money to maintain. The best decision was to just sell the old one," he said. Zuckerberg has been going out on a limb lately to apologize, albeit defending Facebook's decision. "Sure we could just give it to a brother, sister or anyone that we love but all of them already have their own data, so it really seemed like selling it to someone who needs it more was a proper decision. I know people gave these to us, but what choice do we have? Wouldn't they be more offended if we returned it to them(?)," Zuckerberg pleaded warmly. The public, on the other hand, became more accepting of Zuckerberg's analogy and have decided to move on with their daily lives with Facebook--mostly upon realizing that even if they vilify Facebook, it's not like there's anything that can ever withdraw them from using it. However, users are still hopeful that Facebook and every social media company out there, would try harder in keeping secrets so people don't have to be bothered with such issues.