January 23, 2018
A gig that most of his peers can only envy, master photographer, Mason Sager, had the opportunity to take snaps of the young Prince George getting perked up for school on Monday. "The Duchess of Cambridge herself rang me the other day and appointed me to take photos of the little prince," Sager recounted how the whole experience began. "I started taking shots after breakfast. I took a few of him packing his box of colored pencils, then we had a couple of posed ones. I also had heaps more with his mum handing him his lunch pack and stuff and them walking towards the door. He was just doing his thing, really, like how 4-year olds do," Sager said. "Look, I don't know what you want me to say. He was there, he sat, he walked, he picked his nose, he posed a lovely smile, he cried a bit because he hates school and I took shots with my camera," said the seemingly listless photographer. "I don't understand why this is interesting to you. It's not like the little lad is made of stuff that glows. There was nothing special, it was like taking photos of every single child in the world. They do their thing and I do mine," the celebrity photographer, who seemed to be cheekier than expected, said. Not letting his professional stature get to his head, Sager was a beacon of humility--up until his character was tested the moment the paparazzi showed up in droves and tried to claim their feast as the little prince and his mum stepped out in the open. It only took so much for the unassuming 34-year old photographer to start kicking and swinging towards the uninvited additions. "He was territorial," a member of the paparazzi said. "He was drooling like a mad dog and his eyes lit up like fire while trying to take a swipe at us." There were no reported injuries on the incident but some minor equipment damages are likely to require an off-court settlement, sources stated.