1.) How long have you been trying your luck with lottery?
Less than 1 year
1-2+ years
3-5+ years
6-10 years
Over 10 years
2.) What is the largest price you have ever won in any single game of raffle/draw or gambling?
$0 to $20
$20+ to $50
$50+ to $100
$100+ to $500
more than $500
3.) Have you been incredibly lucky such as having left a building minutes before it exploded?
4.) If you were to buy your ticket/s today, where would you buy it?
Traditional stores
5.) Do you usually go by a one syllable name such as Brad, Sue, Rick, Jack, etc. (they are generally unlucky)?
6.) Are you visibly missing a tooth or two (it's generally lucky, but 3 or more is unlucky)?
Yes- 1 tooth
Yes- 2 teeth
Yes- more than 2
The result of this test is applicable to today's date only. Should you wish
to purchase a ticket again on a later date, do not be remiss in reseeking the advice of this test.