How To Survive A Saturday Night Without Alcohol

At some point and for whatever reason, we find ourselves in a crossroads where the need to dig deep and go beyond oneself is imperative. Hence, we wistfully declare a Saturday night off, even so, we are clueless on how to survive such immense challenge.

People have lived lives the best they can, but no life can be lived to the fullest without the glory of booze. As such, the thought of a Saturday night without a drink or two is harrowing to a self-respecting man. Any eventuality that forbids a man from popping a cold one, as many would put it, is nothing but a steamy pile of feces. Whether for the benefit of mind, body or soul, surely one has dove the depths of sageness to answer the question: How do I survive a Saturday night without alcohol?

It's no secret that this time-tested potion has enchanted us for as long as we can remember. It has kept us where we cannot help but be miserable when we are sober, and so we must try to relieve ourselves from whatever imagined circumstance, may it be in the midst of a struggling week or a common weekend. However, we cannot bask in overflowing indulgence because life itself is the biggest party pooper. It dares us to check ourselves or risk the vulnerability descended upon us mere mortals.

At some point and for whatever reason, we find ourselves in a crossroads where the need to dig deep and go beyond oneself is imperative. Hence, we wistfully declare a Saturday night off, even so, we are clueless on how to survive such immense challenge. It is out of the question however that we cannot succumb to a complete cessation, though the most sought after night of the week for a spirited high is to be subjugated.

You can only try so hard to resist the urge of boozing. This may sound noble of you, but it’s nothing more than sown seeds on rocky ground where they cannot grow roots. The best way to survive a Saturday night without alcohol is to douse its flames of seduction. A full cup cannot summon the jug for more, therefore, and I cannot stress this enough, that it is wise to consume alcohol—in the most head-spinning amounts—on the Friday night prior to that Saturday night one has intended for abstinence.

As you wake up on Saturday—at any hour and as you please of course, had you executed the said resolution in high standards, you would find it in good terms to spend the Saturday—at its entirety—recuperating on naps, alternated with wholesome snacks or full meals. Alcohol binging on the Friday evening grants the next day your provisionary aversion not just to alcohol but anything that hints a shred of ill-being. Ultimately, this paves the way to a healthy Saturday lifestyle, and depending on how much you've pounded on that rock, the benefits could well extend until Sunday.

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