What The Zodiac Signs Say About Us (And How They Could Help Humanity)

Bold as it may seem, these are the most influential factors that make us who we are and the person we continue to become. We are however under-utilizing the potentials of this remarkable discovery, and what's even worse, we overlook the opportunity to shape the world to our liking.

The Horoscope is instrumental to how we live our lives and the decisions we make for our future. Our Zodiac Signs plotted decisively who we are and the Horoscope tells us how to deal with things that come along our way. Bold as it may seem, these are the most influential factors that make us who we are and the person we continue to become. We are however under-utilizing the potentials of this remarkable discovery, and what's even worse, we overlook the opportunity to shape the world to our liking. Let's face it, there are types of people that we prefer and wish to have more of... or less.

Being the breeders of our own kind, I believe that the Zodiac Signs are here to allow us freedom to dictate who our co-inhabitants should be. There are many things that we are not in control of; why are we not taking advantage of what we can control? We create life, and through the Zodiac Signs, we can choose the type of people who should exist on this planet. Not only as people we entrust the helms of our existence but simply what we like for an offspring—agreeable, compliant and ideal. It is a revolutionary step towards our future as human beings: To produce people according to our preferred Zodiac Signs as decided by an individual, a family unit, or by legislation if necessary.

You will find here concise information of each Zodiac Sign so you can be warned, advised, and be guided in dealing with people born under each Zodiac Sign. You can indeed use these for decision-making when choosing lovers, partners, friends and most of all, you can manipulate the date of birth of your offspring so they can innately possess the traits of your preference with the Zodiac Sign chart as your guide. Moreover, remember to read these to know who you are or to eliminate all doubts if you ever had any.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

A natural born leader with an insatiable desire for attention, Leos stand out with confidence and don't take kindly to being the follower. They are the boss may it be at work or in relationships. A Leo is indeed the personification of the king of the jungle. They feed on the weak, so they must learn to approach with caution as the proclivity to throw fits when things don't go their way can startle nearby herds. These qualities push Leos hard to succeed and fulfill their highly ambitious nature. On the other hand, Leos possess almost every single feature that people hate. They should relish whatever success that comes along because relationships with people are likely to recompense for those. The inability to rise above problems will only make things worse for them. However, with ego as lofty as Leo's, it provides some form of aid in struggles as far as toughness goes. Ultimately, a Leo would have to tuck these overbearing qualities inside so people in general can like them. This would be like teaching a lion to eat tofu, and they are not the type to give a crap or whatsoever. If you are a future parent and dislike these features for a child, it is best to consciously plan the date of your child's conception and subsequently, the date of birth.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

A Virgo is simple, intelligent, helpful and reliable. It is lovely to have someone who is a Virgo in your life because they can be easy to please and they are likeable on the surface. A Virgo is someone who may appear to have the desirable traits, so it isn't surprising if you are drawn to one. This is all good until you get to know them well enough and their stink reveals. There are more than a couple of things to look out for when dealing with a Virgo, but what you may find striking is that they get skeptical with things that matter to you. Convincing them to your core beliefs might be as irritating as your existence is to them. You may also have to put some effort not to catch them at the wrong time. Virgos appear to be timid but they are fussy over things most people couldn't care less about—they're just a pain on the backside when they really get going. A Virgo's apt for intelligence is great, but it may be negated by how much annoying they are. A Virgo, to best describe, is a zero—because 10 minus 10 is zero.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

As an acquaintance, a Libra is what they generally refer to a "nice person". Dazzling and courtly, Libras tend to impress with personality and usually leaves a good first impression to most people. Libra women are quite sought after as they make ideal girlfriends and wives for their loyalty and disinclination to confrontation. The men are classy, charming and artistic. Although romance and love drive them, they are however a bit opposite the women because they're never contented with one. They make the stereotype rock band members on paper. Both genders aspire constant attention and admiration from their mates. Despite being one of the laziest people you'll ever know, they sure spend a lot of money on luxury. As the trend may suggest, this is where Libra takes a steady downturn. Prepare for disappointments in dealing with Libras; they are unreliable and their decision-making is definitely unheralded. When in relationship with a Libra, brace yourself for a roller coaster. There will be good days, but when the going gets tough, you better be prepared to do all the heavy lifting because a Libra is a lazy bastard.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio is pretty good. Considering that pessimism motivates me, let me start off by saying that I've got none for Scorpio. Well, almost none. Scorpios are the types that come with good intentions and make impact to society. They are good as doctors, leaders, professors and problem solvers. By being these things, they can also be demanding and manipulative; they get moody, jealous and the drive to be the best can make them sore competitors. Though distrusting in nature, they are loyal after one has proven his worth. Considering nobody can be perfect and mood swings are also not that bad anymore in the list of bad, what are the rough around the edges bits compared to the good features a Scorpio may bring to the table? If you're a legal couple having sex around Valentine season and you’re up for kids, it may be a good idea not to pull out.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius people are all about freedom, independence and the lack of interest in commitment. They are self-centered and you should not expect much from them in times of need. Although personality can be one of their assets, they are stone cold and would not mind stepping out of anyone's life when upset. They feel that walking away is an opportunity to explore and have fun. Despite the purported negativity, Sagittariuses do hold lots of luck in life. What really defines a Sagittarius is the sense for adventure. They look for mates that can keep up with their energy and anything less is surely boring. Being contented with what's around is very un-Sagittarius; they are constantly on the look for new things to try. Without Sagittariuses, there would be less of such things as Kamasutra, Iced Tea or square pizza.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

I have got to give it to you, Capricorn. It doesn't seem like there is much on paper to pick on you. You're the one to do the picking when you run through that dating roster then come back with no one. That's just really my poor attempt to say that you’re picky because that's what the Astrologer lady said about you. It isn't them, it's you; I hope they're not too hard on themselves. If you could only work a little in the confidence department and learn whatever there is that you need to learn, perhaps there would be less of that insecurity. Patience is your thing and that's good. Your softness coupled with focus and prudence to round you up, make it sound like you're within call for sainthood. You really ticked too many boxes in a person's 'to be' list. No wonder your mates need to earn their rights in your comfort circle. I may not know what exactly I'm in for, but put that "Or Your Money Back" clause and I will buy you like I would that last pair of buy-one-get-one shady-looking imported beer on a Saturday night.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquariuses are dark. They're on a different jurisdiction, separate from the prevalent social norm. They have their ways in their circle and they stand out on their own. Aquariuses tend to walk along the borders of anti-social but they do love people and would go out on a limb to help the needy. Adding any dose of emotions to daily life is not their cup of tea, in fact an Aquarius will thrive as the opposite. Though very much capable of sensible speeches, Aquariuses hold notoriety for being insensitive while unconscious of the casualties along the way. Those born under the water bearer sign tend to foster mystery which is cool but most do think they're just snob brats. They're the typical folks that get described by friends as "doesn't talk much at first, but when you get to know each other, yada yada blah blah"... They are loyal in friendship and faithful in romance—but only when their requirements are met first. Quite the attitude on these people actually, but they're okay I guess, as long as they don't bother nobody.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces is a tug of war between best and worst. You can hold on to your optimism for life all you want but you know you can get smack in the nuts any given day. This analogy may be irrelevant but hey, it's better than nothing. Pisces people are very warm and loving but they're the most irresponsible of all. Sorry, Pisces. The stars are pretty brutal; I'm doing everything I can. For the most part, a Pisces is someone you would like to keep a friend for a long time. Think about the most humble person you know—if he's not Pisces, chances are, you need to get out more often. Pisces people would squirt humility from their ears if you squeeze them by the nose. Yes, they have a gland for it. Humility breeds other ideal qualities. Pisces are very compassionate, loving and selfless—so much that it's easy to take advantage of them. You would love to have a Pisces around for these reasons, but a Pisces is a double-edged sword. Responsibilities can transform one into a creature that slithers through cracks on the walls. But their raw nature along with the self-discipline of a toddler makes them pretty harmless. This really makes Pisces a good target for banters. Unless you're married to one, they really are amusing.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Those born under the sign of the Ram are emotionally strong and have the qualities of a leader. Notwithstanding their efficiency as a follower, an Aries leader is a successful one. They are brave, uncompromising, independent and humorous but tactless, hence bound to displease a significant few. Because of Aries' partiality to independence, to a good extent, they don't crave for relationships unlike those born under most zodiac signs who are quite needy. The positive potentials that an Aries may be brewing also trail hideous bi-products. Their strong will and enthusiasm can entail impatience and fluctuations of short tempers—all of which unsurprising if confrontational in nature. Although the said characteristics are not really unique, the people to display the true attributes of an Aries are not that common. Not too many become the role models they are meant to be. Despite the proximity to successes—and this is where it really gets awry—an Aries cops-out often and succumbs to the debilitating fear of failure, albeit tremendously successful on more comfortable ventures. Aries is the result of a lottery pick of traits. It could be the culmination of Horoscope's convention of "whatever goes".

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Now here comes Taurus—voracious for relationships, clingy, jealous and stubborn. Before Taurus burns in this impending tirade, let it be known that your facade of love and sympathy is nearly unlike any other. You are what seems to be humanity's ambassador of good will. No matter how attractive inside and out, it is to everyone's best interest to keep their relationship with you as superficial as possible. You are the Pied Piper, and that goes both ways, good and bad. You lead people to the path of the unknown—with a bit of luck, this may not be that bad after all. You are a fighter, giving up isn't your thing and you are almost always in sync. Yes, we love that about you. Having you around is like a greasy, fatty banquet, and that is with all intentions, the salivating, scrumptious, pig fat-feasting kind. You just kill people painfully and slowly despite all warnings. Moreover, you are rather lazy for someone who throws lavish parties to strike an impression. Those who are bestowed the gift to love you are either remarkable or numb, but those who simply cannot assimilate to such selflessness should be spared from any misgivings; they are merely extremely normal. To leave things on a positive note, I shall hint you of your lucky numbers. It is always a good idea to keep it as close as possible to the nines, but what matter most are the commas—the more of them you see, the better.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Gemini likes to talk, and by that I mean blabber frothily 'til they knock themselves out. Chatting and gossiping give Gemini its purpose in life. They are very social, engaging and can attract a crowd any given moment. Naturally investigative and a meddler, a Gemini can run dry on its natural habitat if one is to leave people's lives alone. They can only thrive by indulging on other people's issues—they can't keep their spoons in their own bowls at all! Always active and distracted, they like to settle in territories where they juggle different things, and if presented with only one, they will leave a job like a half-eaten carcass. A Gemini seeks for more and will scan the dining table with a full mouth; it doesn't just chew and wait with unoccupied tentacles! They do stay down to earth and be politically correct, but when you run a busy business like a Gemini's mouth, it's only a matter of time before a disgruntled customer keeps a line busy to dispute charges. Career-wise, as the kind who is tremendous in multitasking, a Gemini is perfect fit in managing different projects simultaneously; or throw in some fabulous to a Gemini and we got ourselves a famous showbiz gossip sponge who can shamelessly attribute talent for superficiality.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

I am just as surprised as anybody to know that despite being so infamously reputed, Cancers on the contrary, are nurturing and sensitive. They are actually nice—quite nice that I could doubt if they really have anything to do with the deaths of millions. As a matter of fact, not only are they very loyal friends, they really make good parents for their caring nature. If these don't obscure Cancer's Identity, I don't know what will. As enigmatic as they come, we need to be always vigilant. They do tend to be conveniently packaged, palatable and rich in artificial delectations. We have to be conscious not to habitually accommodate them in excess. They are contradictory people as well as unpredictable; and they're likely to reap the fruits of their seeds when we are already stricken in years. We ought to wonder if these people indeed inflict damage as we are told, though studies prove that they are cunning back-stabbers. These treacherous characteristics may be benign in motive while others can be malignant, we can only hope for the best. Cancers are goal oriented especially on monetary relations. You should find it important to duly sacrifice a portion of your earnings, or you may get caught uninsured if they do try to assault your health and wealth; after all, smoke could mean fire and they have gained notoriety in matters where we cannot be too careful.

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