Why Aliens Don't Contact Us

Why don’t Aliens contact us? Contemplation can surely take a wanderer where he needs to be. I gleamed as I counter my own with: Why would they? If you're out to defile someone's rim, you wouldn't.

The eternal vastness of the universe and the zillions of existence beyond man's lore make the possibilities equally astronomical. It is practically undeniable that there are others out there. They have visited us in the ancient past and they will visit us at present. The pertinent questions are hounding us because it doesn't seem to make sense: Why the hell are they not giving us a holler? Aren’t our civilizations worth an inquiry? Why do they visit our jurisdictions in concerted discreetness? It's hard to believe that our diplomacy remains heedless from beings adequately profound to traverse solar systems.

Blurry images, uncorroborated claims of sightings, and to more than a few, laughable testimonials of first hand encounter: They have done the subject nothing but its ebb as what has become of the Bigfoot's legend. It is unseemly that we will finally nail down the truth by ourselves. We therefore stand by our hopes until the visitors reach out to us—but what form of intelligence are they to have not? Might it be true that we are valued as nothing more than animals being observed in a zoo as some theorist imagined? Some prevailing reasons must account for no known attempts of emphatic and transparent contact; otherwise, these poor claimants of encounters don't have to suffer the public's judgments.

There's the every nerd's notion that the government is concealing these at all cost. Or perhaps we really are light-years behind evolution that we ought to be snubbed for our own good until a million years and we are further in worth. Or what if the truth isn't too distant after all except that it may be "sorely" unsettling for anyone to bother? Upon reading numerous stories from alleged alien-abductees, I am especially struck with the commonality of these abductions. These extraterrestrials seem to be keenly inclined, and I would go farther to say that, they have developed to observe unbridled intimacy with the human abductee's rectal region.

Simply put, these Aliens are butt-hole junkies. They cruise the universe for planets, perhaps inferior civilizations and ultimately, someone's posterior orifice for whatever gratification it serves them. They are cunning and sneaky; they erase memories and leave no trace. They do us the unspeakable right in our own domains, or taken to theirs, who knows? They could be the kind of villains that we can never bring to justice. Once again, I pose with the question: Why don’t Aliens contact us? Contemplation can surely take a wanderer where he needs to be. I gleamed as I counter my own with: Why would they? If you're out to defile someone's rim, you wouldn't. This is what a perpetrator would swamp in secrecy because hell can break loose but we will never permit such debauchery. Not if we can help it.

Whatever it is that they so fancy with our butt-holes, whether the remaining distinct fragrance of them, the residue of its most recent excretion, or the succeeding sophistication our bowels they were led to, they leave us where we can only speculate. Hence, it is not to discount the possibility and though it isn't the most politically correct assumption, might it be that they are, after all, in expeditions predisposed to sexual pleasure that the tighter rearward opening offers? We can keep guessing forever or let the unmistakable dawn on us: They are anally motivated and indifferent to bilateral planetary relations.

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