Why You Are Always Right And Others Are Wrong

Knowing at the back of your mind that your opinions are better and correct, these only make it harder for you to shut up. When people don't agree with you, it's no surprise that they are wrong and unless they admit that, they cause you penchant to feeling upset so the need to vent out may always arise.

Feeling dismayed and baffled for humanity, people have always been a far cry from your righteous ways. They talk, they never get it, and they're always wrong. It's annoying that they assume to be entitled to opinions, and while their opinions are hands down ridiculous, it rubs you the wrong way to know that they seem to think they are right. In your defense, you're not sure if it's because they never fail to underwhelm you with their witless assertions or simply the instance of your factual superiority over flesh and blood. If you can only point to them the lack of intellect without coming off offensive, but your good nature reminds you of why you get out of bed every morning. You take the high road and opt to modestly drop a smidgen of nasty on what a well-measured scoff you deem is appropriate. They walked you against the wall and with nowhere to go, you are promptly returning the favor; nevertheless, they should be thankful that your exceptional acumen keeps both of your feet on the ground.

As morally conscious as you are, you know we shouldn't judge but you're human and humans do judge, this you tell yourself. Whenever you or one of your buddies hear through the grapevine about someone who said something super lame, or did something that you have dismissed to be lousy, well by god, can anyone such as you and your buddies be so deft in everything to know better than people you probably haven't met? It's also great coincidence that you are friends with those who can unite in your own little circle to admonish all idiots who are incapable of making the right decisions. All these of course are better off without these idiots knowing, because it's not like they can say anything to help themselves.

With friends just slightly beneath your status, aren't you so lucky to have a psyche nothing in the world you can ever trade for? Sooner or later, you'll come to realize that not even these friends of yours are as special as you are. They are flawed themselves and mock-worthy. This puts you in an awkward position where you are singled out to be better than everyone you will ever know. It's needless to say that you know better than those that you hate when you can effortlessly find something to disagree with politicians, businesses, your employers, everyone on TV, and all of our founding fathers. Being aware that the world can be difficult to persuade to your ways, naturally, relationships may suffer, commitments cease and egos are threatened. This is all because you are a cut above others, but it's not like you can help it.

Knowing at the back of your mind that your opinions are better and correct, these only make it harder for you to shut up. When people don't agree with you, it's no surprise that they are wrong and unless they admit that, they cause you penchant to feeling upset so the need to vent out may always arise. This is when it is inevitable to run your mouth and they should consider themselves lucky if you hold back a little as you set off for a lashing diatribe. So when you think about it, wouldn't it make the world a better place if everyone thinks like you do? But you wouldn't like that either, it would be unimaginably weird probing dirt on someone atop another high horse. What makes sense though is that it's just a matter of time before you're right and they're wrong.

As your years pile up and your gifts are even more augmented, your adamance may well propagate and the people you actually care for benefit from it. Your spouse can 'by chance' be where there is the need for verbal or non-verbal skirmish, or your offspring may be finding trouble with the likes of those you used to hate back in your day; you will surely stand up for what is right—unbiased and without doubt, on the side of your kinship. Like the day a fat vegetarian sits across a plateful of bacon, ramifications are undeniably imminent, and so it is with that firm stand that "you are always right and others are wrong". Your evolving spirit subconsciously assimilates to a new foundation that, you, and the people you care for are always right and the rest at large that compose this depraved society, are wrong.

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