Funny Life Hacks & Wisdom

The "Three Little Pigs" Test (Which little pig are you?)

In the much-heralded suspense story of The Three Little Pigs, each set out to undertake a common goal of building a house of their own. As you may be familiar with the tale, many were stricken by each pig's differing construction methods, quite notably, the exercise of choice and employment of dissimilar materials. In building a house, we know there's more to it than conjuring one up from the ground. This is evident in today's terms when soaring costs and the dearth of resources may undermine the erection of one's most desired dwelling place. Back in the days of our three protagonists, though issues may arise—naturally, it's rather uncustomary for the need to wade through such inhibitions that beset modern, present-day commoners. At some point in our lives, and in some weird relation to whatever I said, we look back to their time and vicariously relive the little pig. But which little pig are you? Naturally, you'd ask. This test will reveal which of the three little pigs you are, based on your answers to modest questions and ostensibly benign facts in your life. Will you be in the safeguard of a fortress? Or in the thick of the ruins and left with nothing but to run in horror from the fangs of the hungry big bad wolf? Take this short test and find out now!

Funny Life Hacks & Wisdom