The riveting tale of a hapless little girl who affixed the red riding hood on the fashion map has remained a conundrum—thanks to the uninvited guest whose intentions were anything but innocuous. Bob and Ron packed up and braved a long and arduous journey to light our candles in the dark.

Crime | Mystery

Wolf In Story Little Red Riding Hood Was an Anomaly

 Bob & Ron's Survey 

The wolf in the story of the Little Red Riding Hood has baffled many—particularly by the creature's ability to devour human beings whole and keep them viable for a couple of hours or so. Possessed by optimism to unriddle the subject, Bob and Ron of the Bob & Ron's Survey trekked through a vastness of the mountainous terrain in Western Russia—seeking the aid of viewpoints from the region's inhabitants. "First of all, we do not know if the story originated here. We just kind of thought we do the survey here," said Bob himself of the Bob & Ron's Survey. "We're already here, and we did our job and all that. So, I hope this story happened here to make sense of the choice of location," said the charming as ever Ron of the Bob & Ron's Survey.

The survey returned a whopping 86% of its participants saying that the wolf in the story of the Little Red Riding Hood was anomalous. "We do have wolves out here, and I have witnessed their feeding process on several occasions," said Sergey V., a resident of the area through an interpreter. "They're not going to swallow you whole, and you're not going to be alive at all—so that wolf was indeed extraordinary," the 48-year-old vegetable farmer added.

On the other hand, a fair 8.7% of the people in this survey have theorized that the red hood supposed to have clothed Miss Little Red Riding Hood could have provided her some special protection during her stay in the wolf's belly. Hence, some go so far as evoke supernatural backdrops.

But what about the grandma? "I think that the old lady was also blanketed with the same red hood, which protected her from the gastric acids and other digestive elements inside the wolf. She was wrapped up in bed prior to being eaten after all," said another man also named Sergey. "It would make sense that they owned many of these hoods because they're from the same family," he added.

There were also chatters of the wolf being a product of nuclear hyperactive radiation, knowing the country's inclination to nuclear things and such. "I think that the government was behind all this with their experiments and weapon manufacturing. They may have inadvertently exposed a common wolf and caused this kind of abnormality," said another man completely unrelated to other participants, and significantly distant in location, but is also named Sergey.

With almost no shortage of vigor from Bob and Ron, the survey wrapped up to be an animatedly successful one, except for a fractional 10.7% of prospected participants who completely and utterly expressed declination from having to do with "whatever is going on". Bob and Ron's endeavor also turned in a by-product and serendipitous data. "We now know that for much of this nation, and a hundred percent in this location, all males are named Sergey," Bob and Ron together confirmed.