Submit a Joke and Get an Ad Space for Free!

Are you trying to build a social media following? Or do you own a blog or website or have something to promote? Then you're at the right place! Send us a funny joke, one-liner, or short story. Should we think your joke is funny, we will post it on our website with your advertisement—for free! The joke and ad must be in written form only.

The ad may be a descriptive title that links to the webpage or social media page you are promoting. You may also paste the page's address after the said descriptive title, and we'll put it together for you. There is no character limit at this time; see some google ads to have a good idea of a reasonable clickable descriptive title length.

You can think of it as posting jokes in forums, and comment sections, except advertising and linking are permitted—as exposed as it gets for thousands to read! Yeah, we stand in the way, but that's to see if your joke is remotely funny and your links are tolerable. No links with weird-looking URLs. No autoruns or tricky stuff.

If a link prompts the slightest suspicion or you've sent us something confusing, we'll move on to the next sender. No ill intentions or contents children can't view. For your joke, it could be of any subject—but timeless. Your post will probably be up for eternity, so you don't want jokes about current news that wouldn't ding years from now. We prefer original jokes or something you would think not many people have heard of. Here's how they would look on our website:

Here lies a short joke, or a long one, or even a funny article if you like.

Craving Italian food? Check out my authentic Italian recipes and follow me @whatever
Louie S., Seattle, WA (Name and city are optional)

Too easy? We want to build a humor-driven, free advertising system that you could be a part of. Send your piece in the above-shown format to No attachments. You can send multiple jokes in the same email or separately. We'll reply if we've published it. We won't share your email address or personal information (use an email address that means nothing to you and an alias!) because we don't care about those. There's absolutely nothing to lose, so send them in!